Printrbot Pro?

Recently there has been a photo leaked on Twitter showing a rather interesting Printrbot Pro. It would be merely speculation to say wether or not it will go into full production later this year. It looks rugged using extruded aluminum for the main structure.  It also offers a handle and might possible be able to fold up for more portability,  (similar to the Foldarap.) It still uses some LC parts as do the the production models currently available.  We can all hope and dream that this product will eventually come to market at an affordable price. It would make since that Printrbot would fill out there line up with a pro version that could offer top of the line belts, aluminum GT2 pullys and maybe one of their recently released 1.75mm direct drive extruders. I must say that personally this would be a good move especially if it could be had as several different kits at an affordable price.


Will Printrbot go pro?

About Envious Mods

Custom PC case mods and fabrication is a lifestyle for me. I love being able to come up with an idea and then make it a reality. If you need help with your own case mods or ideas I'm always available. Happy Modding!

Posted on June 7, 2013, in RepRap News and Usefull Info and tagged , , . Bookmark the permalink. 1 Comment.

  1. The pro is real but so much better ;)! I’ll post a leaked photo on twitter.

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